Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, December 9 - Persona Poetry

Billy Joel

It all started in those little piano bars,
Helping mom meet ends meet,
not graduating with my class,
started my musical career.
Not going to Columbia University,
instead Columbia Records.
Founding Echoes,
seeing the Beetles.
My life was forever changed.
Attempting suicide,
Meeting Elizabeth,
having a son
Ruining Attila
Being signed to Family Productions,
selling Cold Spring Harbor.
Things were rough
I had hit the charts!
Leaving the world for six months,
writing Piano Man, my greatest hit.
Opening for the Beach Boys,
touring the United States.
Life couldn't have gotten any better.
Except when I was called a soft-rocker,
these labels insulted me.
Losing a Grammy was the end.
Going to the Soviet Union,
Going No. 1 on the Billboards,
Playing in Madison Square Garden,
its been rough,
but it's worth it.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Best Thing You Lost


You were the best thing ever in my life.

What mistake did I make to deserve this?

You practically stabbed my heart with a knife.

I’m stuck sitting, trying to reminisce.


All I can picture is coal for you eyes

And the way your hair stays in place.

Then I see you kissing her, my heart cries.

I’m left broken, shattered into pieces.


I made the mistake to take back your love,

Thinking you would treat me better this time.

But you proved me wrong once again with a smack.

Then I became strong and gave you a smile.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4 - Unrequited Love

All I could think about was him. How he smiled, how he ran his fingers through his hair, or how he smiled at the dumbest things. He was on my mind 24/7. The only problem? he didn't feel the same about me. How could he not of liked me? Why couldn't he just quit talking to the other girl? What does he even see in her?  These kind of thoughts crossed my mind all the time. I couldn't help it, I thought I really loved him. He took me in, he cared, and then all that went down the drain.  It still haunts me. He got me into so many bad things. He ruined my life, pushing me away from all my friends. He ruined everything between us. I could never forgive him. He still stands begging for my forgiveness, I still haven't ever forgave him. Now I am gone, he realizes that he is alone. I wonder how he feels for one to love, but not be loved? Oh wait, I know.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2- Top Secret

"I know. I am trying to think of what to do! How am I suppose to take down the top terrorists who are on the Most Wanted list? I can't stop them by myself from meeting and planning to blow up Washington D.C.! This is not a one man job!" I hear my husband yell in the shower as I lay hear trying to sleep. All I wanted was to go back to sleep on the snowy day, but now that has just taken a turn. Who is he talking to? What is happening? Should I ask him about it? or should I just keep pretending I am asleep? I'll ask him about it, maybe I can help.
*he gets out of the shower*
"Hey, what were you talking about while in the shower?" I ask.
"Oh nothing." he replies.
"Don't lie to me. I know something is wrong, and I want to know." I say.
"I can't tell you. It is Top Secret." he tells me.
"Well I mean I already know that the top terrorists are meeting and planning to blow up D.C., so why not just go ahead and tell me." I shout.
"I have to go, just know that I love you," he says as he walks out.
*I wake up in a panic with my heart racing. This was the worst nightmare yet. As I sit up, he starts to panic and asks what's wrong. I tell him, and he promised he won't be going anywhere, and it'll be okay.*