Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2- Top Secret

"I know. I am trying to think of what to do! How am I suppose to take down the top terrorists who are on the Most Wanted list? I can't stop them by myself from meeting and planning to blow up Washington D.C.! This is not a one man job!" I hear my husband yell in the shower as I lay hear trying to sleep. All I wanted was to go back to sleep on the snowy day, but now that has just taken a turn. Who is he talking to? What is happening? Should I ask him about it? or should I just keep pretending I am asleep? I'll ask him about it, maybe I can help.
*he gets out of the shower*
"Hey, what were you talking about while in the shower?" I ask.
"Oh nothing." he replies.
"Don't lie to me. I know something is wrong, and I want to know." I say.
"I can't tell you. It is Top Secret." he tells me.
"Well I mean I already know that the top terrorists are meeting and planning to blow up D.C., so why not just go ahead and tell me." I shout.
"I have to go, just know that I love you," he says as he walks out.
*I wake up in a panic with my heart racing. This was the worst nightmare yet. As I sit up, he starts to panic and asks what's wrong. I tell him, and he promised he won't be going anywhere, and it'll be okay.*

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