Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29 - Two Moons

"It was one of the worst dreams yet." said Louis.
"How?", asked his therapist.
"Well it all started in a submarine that was close to Ushuaia, Argentina . There were four National Geographic researchers on board, and they were caught in a storm with their instruments going haywire. So they did what you would think, and they went under the water until the storm passes. So when it did pass, and they surfaced they had no idea where they were. They couldn't figure out either because their instruments were still going crazy. Then they decided that they would look at the stars, but when they opened the entrance to look out,  they didn't recognize any of the constellations. To make matters worse, there were two moons. They were in a panic state, and  that is when I woke." said Louis.
The therapist then calmly asked," has any of this every happened? Have you ever had any of the dreams before?"
Louis then remarked," Nope. Never."
"Well if you have anymore," said the therapist, "then you might want to come back, but I cant do anything right now. Here is my card, and have a great day."

*Louis leaves the office*

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