Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

"Okay class, it is time to share what you have learned about your painting. Lilly you are first." said the teacher. "Class, Lilly had La Mariee by Marc Chagall. Please pay attention."

"In 1950 Marc Chagall painted La Mariee (The Bride).The focus point of the painting is of a bride in a red dress and has a white veil on. Around her though is a dark sky, which I feel represents sadness and darkness. The painting is a mix of reality and a world that is dreamt of. There is a goat type animal playing the bass, and a little creature that is playing a recorder or oboe type of instrument. When Chagall was painting this, I believe he incorporated the fish because his parents worked in a fish shop and fish warehouse. In the background there seems to be what looks like a church, and it looks to be Russian influenced. I believe Chagall painted this piece to represent his past as a kid, and how he felt. Only he may be able to tell us. Thank you for listening," Lilly stated, and then returned to her seat.

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