Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30th- Caspar Lee

*Filming a YouTube video*
"Hi my name is Caspar Lee, and today I am going to talk about things I love. The first thing I love with all my heart is pizza. I could eat it all day, any day, everyday. Pizza is the love of my life except there is a little part of my heart that belongs to my daughter Emma Lee. Joe Sugg, who is my roommate, and I had Emma. We do everything and travel together like we love going home to South Africa to see my mother. Other things that I love are being verified on Twitter, beating Joe Sugg in Fifa, DJing,telling my followers when it is Friday, hosting interviews, and my onesies. I have so many onesies, I have a leopard one, a crocodile one, a Pikachu one, and a moose looking one. Until next week. Don't forget to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up!"
*Turns off camera*

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28th- Mixed Up Cup

"Hey Bill, look at what I found! It looks like a time machine," exclaimed Hillary Clinton.
"Hillary, what do you expect us to do with that?" said Bill.
"Well lets try it out!" Hillary replied.
"Where and when do you want to go?" asked Bill.
"Let's go to Gettysburg in 1864!" she said.
"I guess that will be fine! Are we going to take anything with us?" Bill asked.
"Let's take our bikes, and then political stickers. A few people might want to know what we are for!" Hillary said.
*two minutes later*
"I got my bike and my stickers. You have your bike and stickers Bill?' Hillary asked.
"Yep, lets go!" Bill said.
*150 years back in time*
"Bill, we did it! We went back in time!" Hillary said.
'Let's go explore!" Bill said.
*So they got on their bikes, and started through a field. Ten minutes into the ride, Hillary's bike tire started to go flat.*
"Bill! My tire! It is going flat!" Hillary yelled.
"Well bad news, here come the confederates! I am leaving! You're on your own!" Bill yelled and with that sped off.
"Lady who are you and what are you doing on Confederate land? Are you a spy?" asked a Confederate soldier.
"No! I swear, I used a time machine to come back in time!" Hillary told them.
"Take her captive, she is defiantly a spy!" said the soldier.
"You won't take me captive!"
*With that she ran and ran! She then pulled something out of her pocket. What she pulled out was a mini time machine. She pressed New York 2014 and then she went. Leaving Bill to fend for himself in Gettysburg in the year 1864.*

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27 - Fairy Tale Name Poem

A    Adventurous
R    Resourceful
I     Imaginative
E    Ebullient
L    Loveable

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24 - X Marks the Spot

"You would never believe the dream I had, Andrew!" I said.
"What!?" asked Andrew.
"It was Black Widow, Captain Sia, and I. We were all pirates, and we had just ransacked a passing ship. In the treasures we had picked up was a map. We were going to take a guess and say that it was a treasure map. It had a big, red X on it. So we decided to follow the map, to see what was buried. We had to sail around rocks, though a storm, and through hammerhead sharks. Finally after ten days of sailing where the map told us to, we reached a beach. Once we got off the ship, we followed the map to where the big red X was. We started digging. Soon after digging we heard a CLINK, and we knew we had found the treasure.  We were hoping in the treasure chest would be gold or weapons. But that is not what we got when we opened the chest. We opened the chest, and there sat at least 50 pineapples. On top of the pineapples sat a note that read "Haha, suckers. You took the wrong map. Serves you right." That was when I woke up. It was one of the best dreams!"
"That sounds so cool! We should go home and play pirates now!" exclaimed Andrew.
"Ok, let's go!" I said.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23 - That's punny!

Teacher: "Okay kids, we are going to start a new thing today in the classroom to get some laughs up in here. I am going to ask every one of you to write down a pun, and then will share them. Ready, set write."
*ten minutes later*
Teacher: "Okay, we are going to share them now. We are going to go around the circle. We will start with Jenny and end with Brooks."
Jenny: "I'm glad I know sign language, it's pretty handy."
Luke: "I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me."
Brooklyn: "Don't trust acupuncture, they're back stabbers."
Kali: "He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends."
Johan: "Need an ark to save two of every animal? I noah guy."
Marc: "To write with a broken pencil is pointless."
Britt: "There was once a cross-eyed teacher who couldn't control his pupils."
Taylor: "A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired."
Lily: "I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me."
Brooks: "I did a theatrical performance about puns. Really it was just a play on words."
Teacher: "Thank you class for sharing all of those wonderful puns. They made my day a lot better. We will continue to do this every Thursday."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21 - Deja Vu

Caroline, who was on a boat, studied the old man carefully.
She thought and thought,
"Where have I seen him?
Have I ever actually met this man?
This is such a bad case of deja Vu!"
Looking at the man,
it finally hit her!
"This man was in great-grandmother's pictures!
He came over from Germany with great- grandmother!"
The talked, and realized it wasn't the right man,
it was the man's great grandson.
"This was one really weird case of deja vu!" Caroline said.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, October 16 - RAIN

Boring, Tiring
Showers, Down- pours, Blows
Hydrogen, Oxygen, Minerals, Nutrients
Sprinkles, Flurries, Falls
Freezing, Wet

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15 - I remember when...

I remember when life was simple
I got in trouble for little things.
Like callings someone stupid,
or saying "you're dumb".

When my punishment was going to timeout,
or to my room.
Now, I never want to leave my room,
or to face the big world.

Why do I need to face the big world?
Why can't life be simple again?
Will it ever be simple again?
How do I face the big world?

The world will never be the same,
I have to face the big world,
with confidence.
Maybe the big world isn't so scary.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10 - Pet Peeve

Pet Peeves
Most human people have pet peeves. In fact, many people have multiple pet peeves. Some are random, and some are common. My biggest pet peeve is when people ask stupid questions. By stupid questions, I mean those questions that people have already answered multiple times, or those questions that are irrelevant or that are asked even though they already know the answer. That says that there is no such thing as stupid questions, is totally wrong. There is such a thing as a stupid question, like when someone asks if we can take a test with a group? Or when someone is over and they ask if you have a bathroom? If you ask me a stupid question, I will reply with a very sarcastic answer so brace yourself. There are many other pet peeves I have, but we'll save those for another day. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Monday, October 6 - Persona Poem

I don't even think of it as a job anymore.
It is more like a passion.
Caring about my people, food, and wifi.
Traveling around the world to meet my people.
Obsessing over Youtubers with British accents,
Raising money for the Trevor Project,
Losing my ability to even,
interviewing my queens.
This is all my life.
I would not trade it for anything.
Oi, slay, yas,
Doritos, chicken nuggets, and pickles          
what has my life become?                           
reblogging, uploading, tweeting.                  
follow me @tyleroakley

Tuesday, October 7 - The Flip Side

My Perspective
Always yelling
"Do this" or "Do that"
Can't catch a break
always on my back.

When I do something right,
somehow its wrong.
It's your way,
or I am wrong.

Hypocrite is what you are,
I do it wrong,
so you make her do it.
She does it the same way as I did.

I will leave,
I have before.
I am leaving,

Different Perspective
Always having to tell her what to do.
I hate having to tell her do something.
Why can't she just do it without being told?
I'm always on her back.

When she does
its usually done wrong.
Why can't she do it my way?
My way is right.

She calls me a hypocrite,
but I just want it done my way.
When she does it wrong,
I make the other do it.

The other does it right.
The other doesn't say she'll leave,
the other hasn't left.
The other will never leave.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2 - The Frog Prince

    One fine morning a young princess named Crystal was walking through the forest when she dropped it low. She dropped it so low, could not pick it back up. She then began to cry because she couldn't pick it back up! Out of the water came a frog who asked her why she was crying. She told him that she had dropped it so low, she couldn't pick it back up. He told her that he could help her pick it but she would have to do something in return. He told her that she if she would love him, let him live with her and eat from off her golden plate, and sleep on her bed, he would help her pick it back up. she agreed. So he helped her pick it back up, and she ran off. The frog tried to yell at her, but she just kept running.
    That night at dinner time, she heard "'Open the door, my princess dear, Open the door your true love here! And mind the words that you and I said. By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade." She went to open the door, but quickly shut it. The king saw that she was frightened, and asked what was wrong. She told him about the deal, and he told her to open the door, that she has to keep her promises. This she did, and when he had eaten as much as he could, he said, 'Now I am tired; carry me upstairs, and put me into your bed.' And the princess, though very unwilling, took him up in her hand, and put him upon the pillow of her own bed, where he slept all night long. As soon as it was light the frog jumped up, hopped downstairs, and went out of the house.
    He would leave that morning, she would practice dropping it low for the day, and then at dinner he would come back. This happened for three days. On the third morning when she woke up, she saw a very handsome prince. He told her that he had a spell put on him because he bet with a witch that he could drop it lower than her. He had lost. After he got done telling the story, he asked Crystal if she would marry him. He told her that they could drop it low all day together. She agreed. So they went back to his kingdom dropping it low all the way there. They lived happily ever after, dropping it low together all day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Monday, September 29 - I'm weirded out...

As soon as I arrived I could sense something was out of place. I did not know quite what that something was, but I knew something was wrong. It was around eight P.M. and my dad made me go check on the cat by myself. I was cat sitting for a family friend, and their house is that house where if you even move the slightest bit it will creak. So I unlocked the door, and that was when I knew something was different than the night before. The owner told me to switch out the lights, and so I turned on the front rooms light and a light in the kitchen. Except when I walked in this time, the front room's light was not on, just the kitchen's. I ignored that, and just went to let the cat inside and check her food and water. When I went to check that, her food and water were both already filled. By this time, I was a little freaked out, because I knew the family friends were coming home until Saturday. So when I went to empty the litter box, I realized that it had already been done. At that point, I got scared, but then right as I grabbed my phone to walk out I got a text from their neighbor saying she had already checked on Bella. And that is when I realized, I was fine and there was no cat burglar or intruder to take care of the cat.

Wednesday, October 1 - Fairy tale characters

Forced to clean.
Lives with her two evil step sisters and step mother.
Gets the crappy stuff.
That is Cinderella.

Fairy godmother.
Pumpkin carriage and midnight.
Left one of her crystal shoes.
That is the night of the ball.

Prince runs after her.
He finds the crystal slipper.
I will find her with this shoe.
That is Prince Charming.

Through the town,
girls trying on the slipper.
No luck.
That is until the Cinderella.

She put the shoe on,
the slipper fit.
The fell in love.
That is the story of Cinderella.