Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7 - The Flip Side

My Perspective
Always yelling
"Do this" or "Do that"
Can't catch a break
always on my back.

When I do something right,
somehow its wrong.
It's your way,
or I am wrong.

Hypocrite is what you are,
I do it wrong,
so you make her do it.
She does it the same way as I did.

I will leave,
I have before.
I am leaving,

Different Perspective
Always having to tell her what to do.
I hate having to tell her do something.
Why can't she just do it without being told?
I'm always on her back.

When she does
its usually done wrong.
Why can't she do it my way?
My way is right.

She calls me a hypocrite,
but I just want it done my way.
When she does it wrong,
I make the other do it.

The other does it right.
The other doesn't say she'll leave,
the other hasn't left.
The other will never leave.

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