Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2 - The Frog Prince

    One fine morning a young princess named Crystal was walking through the forest when she dropped it low. She dropped it so low, could not pick it back up. She then began to cry because she couldn't pick it back up! Out of the water came a frog who asked her why she was crying. She told him that she had dropped it so low, she couldn't pick it back up. He told her that he could help her pick it but she would have to do something in return. He told her that she if she would love him, let him live with her and eat from off her golden plate, and sleep on her bed, he would help her pick it back up. she agreed. So he helped her pick it back up, and she ran off. The frog tried to yell at her, but she just kept running.
    That night at dinner time, she heard "'Open the door, my princess dear, Open the door your true love here! And mind the words that you and I said. By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade." She went to open the door, but quickly shut it. The king saw that she was frightened, and asked what was wrong. She told him about the deal, and he told her to open the door, that she has to keep her promises. This she did, and when he had eaten as much as he could, he said, 'Now I am tired; carry me upstairs, and put me into your bed.' And the princess, though very unwilling, took him up in her hand, and put him upon the pillow of her own bed, where he slept all night long. As soon as it was light the frog jumped up, hopped downstairs, and went out of the house.
    He would leave that morning, she would practice dropping it low for the day, and then at dinner he would come back. This happened for three days. On the third morning when she woke up, she saw a very handsome prince. He told her that he had a spell put on him because he bet with a witch that he could drop it lower than her. He had lost. After he got done telling the story, he asked Crystal if she would marry him. He told her that they could drop it low all day together. She agreed. So they went back to his kingdom dropping it low all the way there. They lived happily ever after, dropping it low together all day.

1 comment:

  1. You did a good job on keeping the original guide lines of the story, but what is it that she dropped?
