Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1 - Fairy tale characters

Forced to clean.
Lives with her two evil step sisters and step mother.
Gets the crappy stuff.
That is Cinderella.

Fairy godmother.
Pumpkin carriage and midnight.
Left one of her crystal shoes.
That is the night of the ball.

Prince runs after her.
He finds the crystal slipper.
I will find her with this shoe.
That is Prince Charming.

Through the town,
girls trying on the slipper.
No luck.
That is until the Cinderella.

She put the shoe on,
the slipper fit.
The fell in love.
That is the story of Cinderella.

1 comment:

  1. This was very good and well thought out. I appreciate the pictures you provided. Going more in depth would have helped your poem.
