Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24 - X Marks the Spot

"You would never believe the dream I had, Andrew!" I said.
"What!?" asked Andrew.
"It was Black Widow, Captain Sia, and I. We were all pirates, and we had just ransacked a passing ship. In the treasures we had picked up was a map. We were going to take a guess and say that it was a treasure map. It had a big, red X on it. So we decided to follow the map, to see what was buried. We had to sail around rocks, though a storm, and through hammerhead sharks. Finally after ten days of sailing where the map told us to, we reached a beach. Once we got off the ship, we followed the map to where the big red X was. We started digging. Soon after digging we heard a CLINK, and we knew we had found the treasure.  We were hoping in the treasure chest would be gold or weapons. But that is not what we got when we opened the chest. We opened the chest, and there sat at least 50 pineapples. On top of the pineapples sat a note that read "Haha, suckers. You took the wrong map. Serves you right." That was when I woke up. It was one of the best dreams!"
"That sounds so cool! We should go home and play pirates now!" exclaimed Andrew.
"Ok, let's go!" I said.

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