Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Monday, September 29 - I'm weirded out...

As soon as I arrived I could sense something was out of place. I did not know quite what that something was, but I knew something was wrong. It was around eight P.M. and my dad made me go check on the cat by myself. I was cat sitting for a family friend, and their house is that house where if you even move the slightest bit it will creak. So I unlocked the door, and that was when I knew something was different than the night before. The owner told me to switch out the lights, and so I turned on the front rooms light and a light in the kitchen. Except when I walked in this time, the front room's light was not on, just the kitchen's. I ignored that, and just went to let the cat inside and check her food and water. When I went to check that, her food and water were both already filled. By this time, I was a little freaked out, because I knew the family friends were coming home until Saturday. So when I went to empty the litter box, I realized that it had already been done. At that point, I got scared, but then right as I grabbed my phone to walk out I got a text from their neighbor saying she had already checked on Bella. And that is when I realized, I was fine and there was no cat burglar or intruder to take care of the cat.

1 comment:

  1. I love the suspense you put into this! I also think it was very well worded! Great job!
