Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, December 9 - Persona Poetry

Billy Joel

It all started in those little piano bars,
Helping mom meet ends meet,
not graduating with my class,
started my musical career.
Not going to Columbia University,
instead Columbia Records.
Founding Echoes,
seeing the Beetles.
My life was forever changed.
Attempting suicide,
Meeting Elizabeth,
having a son
Ruining Attila
Being signed to Family Productions,
selling Cold Spring Harbor.
Things were rough
I had hit the charts!
Leaving the world for six months,
writing Piano Man, my greatest hit.
Opening for the Beach Boys,
touring the United States.
Life couldn't have gotten any better.
Except when I was called a soft-rocker,
these labels insulted me.
Losing a Grammy was the end.
Going to the Soviet Union,
Going No. 1 on the Billboards,
Playing in Madison Square Garden,
its been rough,
but it's worth it.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Best Thing You Lost


You were the best thing ever in my life.

What mistake did I make to deserve this?

You practically stabbed my heart with a knife.

I’m stuck sitting, trying to reminisce.


All I can picture is coal for you eyes

And the way your hair stays in place.

Then I see you kissing her, my heart cries.

I’m left broken, shattered into pieces.


I made the mistake to take back your love,

Thinking you would treat me better this time.

But you proved me wrong once again with a smack.

Then I became strong and gave you a smile.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4 - Unrequited Love

All I could think about was him. How he smiled, how he ran his fingers through his hair, or how he smiled at the dumbest things. He was on my mind 24/7. The only problem? he didn't feel the same about me. How could he not of liked me? Why couldn't he just quit talking to the other girl? What does he even see in her?  These kind of thoughts crossed my mind all the time. I couldn't help it, I thought I really loved him. He took me in, he cared, and then all that went down the drain.  It still haunts me. He got me into so many bad things. He ruined my life, pushing me away from all my friends. He ruined everything between us. I could never forgive him. He still stands begging for my forgiveness, I still haven't ever forgave him. Now I am gone, he realizes that he is alone. I wonder how he feels for one to love, but not be loved? Oh wait, I know.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2- Top Secret

"I know. I am trying to think of what to do! How am I suppose to take down the top terrorists who are on the Most Wanted list? I can't stop them by myself from meeting and planning to blow up Washington D.C.! This is not a one man job!" I hear my husband yell in the shower as I lay hear trying to sleep. All I wanted was to go back to sleep on the snowy day, but now that has just taken a turn. Who is he talking to? What is happening? Should I ask him about it? or should I just keep pretending I am asleep? I'll ask him about it, maybe I can help.
*he gets out of the shower*
"Hey, what were you talking about while in the shower?" I ask.
"Oh nothing." he replies.
"Don't lie to me. I know something is wrong, and I want to know." I say.
"I can't tell you. It is Top Secret." he tells me.
"Well I mean I already know that the top terrorists are meeting and planning to blow up D.C., so why not just go ahead and tell me." I shout.
"I have to go, just know that I love you," he says as he walks out.
*I wake up in a panic with my heart racing. This was the worst nightmare yet. As I sit up, he starts to panic and asks what's wrong. I tell him, and he promised he won't be going anywhere, and it'll be okay.*

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21 - Ekphrasis

Circus Slideshow by Georges Seurat
Made of many dots,
all different colors.
Putting abnormal people on display,
for paying people to look at.
It is not right, but it happens.
Hearing the trombone play,
and the people talking.
Smells of food, animals, and people
it's not an everyday thing.
Feelings of judgment, hatred, weirdness.
Not everyone is the same,
those who are different are shown.
They're paid to be seen.
No one treats them right,
because they're "freaks" or weird.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20- Emotions

Characters- Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Disgust and Riley
Background- Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions: Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Disgust.

*Situation* Riley is invited to a pool party being thrown by a girl she has just met.
"I am so glad she got invited to this pool party! It will be good for her to leave and get out of this house. It is making her even sadder." said Joy.
"What if her parents won't allow her to go? What if she gets mad fun of there? How will she handle any peer pressure that is brought to her? What if she misses out on making new friends by not going? What will they think of her if she doesn't do?" asked Fear.
"I wouldn't go if I was her. There will be so many people there, and that means the chance of getting sick. You don't know how often they clean the cool. There could be things floating around." said Disgust.
"They're only inviting her because she is the new kid, and she has no friends here. Just let her stay home, she'll show them she doesn't need them." yelled Anger.
"What do you think Sadness? Do you think she should go or no?" asked Joy.
Sadness responded with, "I think she should go. She is too sad, and if she gets any sadder, she will just become depressed. She doesn't need to sit at home and mope around."
"Well then it looks like she should go!" exclaimed Joy.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18 - Treason & Historical Fiction

1861 was the year,
Lincoln was elected.   
On a train to D.C.,
he was going to be killed.
Many death threats,
no worries.
This time was different.
Rumors spread.
Going through Baltimore,
no stopping,
not taking that chance.
No one needed to die.
No one did die,
for they were safe this time.
There would be many other times.
It was real on April 15, 1865.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17 - Found Poem

I was sleepy.
I tried.
I began to complain.
I was deep under the surface.
I was accustomed to it.
Then I'd return,
as if nothing had happened.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14th- Berlin Wall

It had been twenty- eight years since I last saw Oma (grandmother). Mutter (mother), Vater (father), Adele, and I live in West Germany while Oma lives in East Germany. Adele and I use to go and visit her every Sunday, but since the Soviet Union now controlled East Germany we could not go visit her. I miss her very much. I miss how she use to read me stories or how she would give me Kekse. All that was changed today though. Today, was a very special day. They were tearing down the wall that kept me from visiting Oma. The wall that kept her out of my life for twenty eight years. None of that mattered anymore, for today we would make up for lost time. We would do everything; read, bake, share stories. Mutter, Vater, Adele, and I went to where the gates were open, waiting for Oma. We waited for her for hours, and then Adelaide, Oma's sister, told us she did not make it to see the gates open. I was crushed, and started crying. How could she of not made it? I thought she was so strong! Did she not care about what was waiting for her on the other sides of the gates? All these questions ran through my mind as I drifted off to sleep.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13- Macabre Art

All skin and bones,
thus being the Holocaust.
Feelings of pain and torture.
All because they were different.
They weren't pure German.
They were the others.
Deceased were lucky,
Yelling to a god,
they wanted help.
Help being death,
or being released.
The Final Solution will be there soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12 - The Haunted House

At night she cries.
Made from clouds,
she haunts the family.
No one knows her,
or why she does it,
but she does.
 She's takes their loved ones.
At daybreak she disappears.
Leaving no sign,
but death.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7 - Ewww....that's creepy!

The past is a ghost.
The future may be a nightmare.
To tell you truth,
the now is beginning to feel
a little bit creepy.
Without appreciating life
One cannot understand death
paintings, stories, and talking of it
Destroying the will to live
Even before life gets a chance
Before the journey starts.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30th- Caspar Lee

*Filming a YouTube video*
"Hi my name is Caspar Lee, and today I am going to talk about things I love. The first thing I love with all my heart is pizza. I could eat it all day, any day, everyday. Pizza is the love of my life except there is a little part of my heart that belongs to my daughter Emma Lee. Joe Sugg, who is my roommate, and I had Emma. We do everything and travel together like we love going home to South Africa to see my mother. Other things that I love are being verified on Twitter, beating Joe Sugg in Fifa, DJing,telling my followers when it is Friday, hosting interviews, and my onesies. I have so many onesies, I have a leopard one, a crocodile one, a Pikachu one, and a moose looking one. Until next week. Don't forget to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up!"
*Turns off camera*

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28th- Mixed Up Cup

"Hey Bill, look at what I found! It looks like a time machine," exclaimed Hillary Clinton.
"Hillary, what do you expect us to do with that?" said Bill.
"Well lets try it out!" Hillary replied.
"Where and when do you want to go?" asked Bill.
"Let's go to Gettysburg in 1864!" she said.
"I guess that will be fine! Are we going to take anything with us?" Bill asked.
"Let's take our bikes, and then political stickers. A few people might want to know what we are for!" Hillary said.
*two minutes later*
"I got my bike and my stickers. You have your bike and stickers Bill?' Hillary asked.
"Yep, lets go!" Bill said.
*150 years back in time*
"Bill, we did it! We went back in time!" Hillary said.
'Let's go explore!" Bill said.
*So they got on their bikes, and started through a field. Ten minutes into the ride, Hillary's bike tire started to go flat.*
"Bill! My tire! It is going flat!" Hillary yelled.
"Well bad news, here come the confederates! I am leaving! You're on your own!" Bill yelled and with that sped off.
"Lady who are you and what are you doing on Confederate land? Are you a spy?" asked a Confederate soldier.
"No! I swear, I used a time machine to come back in time!" Hillary told them.
"Take her captive, she is defiantly a spy!" said the soldier.
"You won't take me captive!"
*With that she ran and ran! She then pulled something out of her pocket. What she pulled out was a mini time machine. She pressed New York 2014 and then she went. Leaving Bill to fend for himself in Gettysburg in the year 1864.*

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27 - Fairy Tale Name Poem

A    Adventurous
R    Resourceful
I     Imaginative
E    Ebullient
L    Loveable

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24 - X Marks the Spot

"You would never believe the dream I had, Andrew!" I said.
"What!?" asked Andrew.
"It was Black Widow, Captain Sia, and I. We were all pirates, and we had just ransacked a passing ship. In the treasures we had picked up was a map. We were going to take a guess and say that it was a treasure map. It had a big, red X on it. So we decided to follow the map, to see what was buried. We had to sail around rocks, though a storm, and through hammerhead sharks. Finally after ten days of sailing where the map told us to, we reached a beach. Once we got off the ship, we followed the map to where the big red X was. We started digging. Soon after digging we heard a CLINK, and we knew we had found the treasure.  We were hoping in the treasure chest would be gold or weapons. But that is not what we got when we opened the chest. We opened the chest, and there sat at least 50 pineapples. On top of the pineapples sat a note that read "Haha, suckers. You took the wrong map. Serves you right." That was when I woke up. It was one of the best dreams!"
"That sounds so cool! We should go home and play pirates now!" exclaimed Andrew.
"Ok, let's go!" I said.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23 - That's punny!

Teacher: "Okay kids, we are going to start a new thing today in the classroom to get some laughs up in here. I am going to ask every one of you to write down a pun, and then will share them. Ready, set write."
*ten minutes later*
Teacher: "Okay, we are going to share them now. We are going to go around the circle. We will start with Jenny and end with Brooks."
Jenny: "I'm glad I know sign language, it's pretty handy."
Luke: "I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me."
Brooklyn: "Don't trust acupuncture, they're back stabbers."
Kali: "He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends."
Johan: "Need an ark to save two of every animal? I noah guy."
Marc: "To write with a broken pencil is pointless."
Britt: "There was once a cross-eyed teacher who couldn't control his pupils."
Taylor: "A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired."
Lily: "I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me."
Brooks: "I did a theatrical performance about puns. Really it was just a play on words."
Teacher: "Thank you class for sharing all of those wonderful puns. They made my day a lot better. We will continue to do this every Thursday."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21 - Deja Vu

Caroline, who was on a boat, studied the old man carefully.
She thought and thought,
"Where have I seen him?
Have I ever actually met this man?
This is such a bad case of deja Vu!"
Looking at the man,
it finally hit her!
"This man was in great-grandmother's pictures!
He came over from Germany with great- grandmother!"
The talked, and realized it wasn't the right man,
it was the man's great grandson.
"This was one really weird case of deja vu!" Caroline said.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, October 16 - RAIN

Boring, Tiring
Showers, Down- pours, Blows
Hydrogen, Oxygen, Minerals, Nutrients
Sprinkles, Flurries, Falls
Freezing, Wet

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15 - I remember when...

I remember when life was simple
I got in trouble for little things.
Like callings someone stupid,
or saying "you're dumb".

When my punishment was going to timeout,
or to my room.
Now, I never want to leave my room,
or to face the big world.

Why do I need to face the big world?
Why can't life be simple again?
Will it ever be simple again?
How do I face the big world?

The world will never be the same,
I have to face the big world,
with confidence.
Maybe the big world isn't so scary.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10 - Pet Peeve

Pet Peeves
Most human people have pet peeves. In fact, many people have multiple pet peeves. Some are random, and some are common. My biggest pet peeve is when people ask stupid questions. By stupid questions, I mean those questions that people have already answered multiple times, or those questions that are irrelevant or that are asked even though they already know the answer. That says that there is no such thing as stupid questions, is totally wrong. There is such a thing as a stupid question, like when someone asks if we can take a test with a group? Or when someone is over and they ask if you have a bathroom? If you ask me a stupid question, I will reply with a very sarcastic answer so brace yourself. There are many other pet peeves I have, but we'll save those for another day. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Monday, October 6 - Persona Poem

I don't even think of it as a job anymore.
It is more like a passion.
Caring about my people, food, and wifi.
Traveling around the world to meet my people.
Obsessing over Youtubers with British accents,
Raising money for the Trevor Project,
Losing my ability to even,
interviewing my queens.
This is all my life.
I would not trade it for anything.
Oi, slay, yas,
Doritos, chicken nuggets, and pickles                    https://twitter.com/tyleroakley
what has my life become?                                     https://www.youtube.com/user/tyleroakley
reblogging, uploading, tweeting.                            http://tyleroakley.com/
follow me @tyleroakley

Tuesday, October 7 - The Flip Side

My Perspective
Always yelling
"Do this" or "Do that"
Can't catch a break
always on my back.

When I do something right,
somehow its wrong.
It's your way,
or I am wrong.

Hypocrite is what you are,
I do it wrong,
so you make her do it.
She does it the same way as I did.

I will leave,
I have before.
I am leaving,

Different Perspective
Always having to tell her what to do.
I hate having to tell her do something.
Why can't she just do it without being told?
I'm always on her back.

When she does
its usually done wrong.
Why can't she do it my way?
My way is right.

She calls me a hypocrite,
but I just want it done my way.
When she does it wrong,
I make the other do it.

The other does it right.
The other doesn't say she'll leave,
the other hasn't left.
The other will never leave.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2 - The Frog Prince

    One fine morning a young princess named Crystal was walking through the forest when she dropped it low. She dropped it so low, could not pick it back up. She then began to cry because she couldn't pick it back up! Out of the water came a frog who asked her why she was crying. She told him that she had dropped it so low, she couldn't pick it back up. He told her that he could help her pick it but she would have to do something in return. He told her that she if she would love him, let him live with her and eat from off her golden plate, and sleep on her bed, he would help her pick it back up. she agreed. So he helped her pick it back up, and she ran off. The frog tried to yell at her, but she just kept running.
    That night at dinner time, she heard "'Open the door, my princess dear, Open the door your true love here! And mind the words that you and I said. By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade." She went to open the door, but quickly shut it. The king saw that she was frightened, and asked what was wrong. She told him about the deal, and he told her to open the door, that she has to keep her promises. This she did, and when he had eaten as much as he could, he said, 'Now I am tired; carry me upstairs, and put me into your bed.' And the princess, though very unwilling, took him up in her hand, and put him upon the pillow of her own bed, where he slept all night long. As soon as it was light the frog jumped up, hopped downstairs, and went out of the house.
    He would leave that morning, she would practice dropping it low for the day, and then at dinner he would come back. This happened for three days. On the third morning when she woke up, she saw a very handsome prince. He told her that he had a spell put on him because he bet with a witch that he could drop it lower than her. He had lost. After he got done telling the story, he asked Crystal if she would marry him. He told her that they could drop it low all day together. She agreed. So they went back to his kingdom dropping it low all the way there. They lived happily ever after, dropping it low together all day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Monday, September 29 - I'm weirded out...

As soon as I arrived I could sense something was out of place. I did not know quite what that something was, but I knew something was wrong. It was around eight P.M. and my dad made me go check on the cat by myself. I was cat sitting for a family friend, and their house is that house where if you even move the slightest bit it will creak. So I unlocked the door, and that was when I knew something was different than the night before. The owner told me to switch out the lights, and so I turned on the front rooms light and a light in the kitchen. Except when I walked in this time, the front room's light was not on, just the kitchen's. I ignored that, and just went to let the cat inside and check her food and water. When I went to check that, her food and water were both already filled. By this time, I was a little freaked out, because I knew the family friends were coming home until Saturday. So when I went to empty the litter box, I realized that it had already been done. At that point, I got scared, but then right as I grabbed my phone to walk out I got a text from their neighbor saying she had already checked on Bella. And that is when I realized, I was fine and there was no cat burglar or intruder to take care of the cat.

Wednesday, October 1 - Fairy tale characters

Forced to clean.
Lives with her two evil step sisters and step mother.
Gets the crappy stuff.
That is Cinderella.

Fairy godmother.
Pumpkin carriage and midnight.
Left one of her crystal shoes.
That is the night of the ball.

Prince runs after her.
He finds the crystal slipper.
I will find her with this shoe.
That is Prince Charming.

Through the town,
girls trying on the slipper.
No luck.
That is until the Cinderella.

She put the shoe on,
the slipper fit.
The fell in love.
That is the story of Cinderella.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - Bad Mistake

My biggest mistake was getting caught into the wrong crowd of "friends". I ruined many friendships because of these people, and that was one of the reasons that this was one of the biggest mistakes. It was 8th grade year, and I rode the bus. My bus was a middle and high school bus, so there were obviously those high schoolers that did bad things, who hung out with bad people, and they just were overall a bad person. I had rode this bus since 6th grade, so I already knew them. My two best friends who were on the bus moved, so I felt alone. To fill that loneliness, I started hanging out with the high school kids. Eventually I started doing the bad things they did, it took me along to realize how deep of a hole I dug for myself. It also took me a long time to realize I was one of them. I was one of those bad kids. I always made up these excuses for their behavior, and kept telling myself it would be okay. It really wasn't okay. Slowly I started filling the hole, but not with cement. I filled it with sand, and when the water would wash over it, I would sink back into the hole. By the time I realized I needed to fill the hole with cement, it was end of freshman year. I have finally filled the hole with cement, and I am now standing on the cement where my foot prints are. My foot prints are there to remind me of what I went through, and to remind me not to go left instead of right.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 17 - Alphabet Soup

I am addicted to my phone. Just checking in on all my friends is how my day goes fasters. Knowing what is going on with them makes me feel better. Letting them know what is going on makes them feel better. Music is another way to make my day go faster. Notifications irritate me, especially when it interrupts my music.  Opening apps checking them, then closing them is what drains my phone battery. Putting my phone charger in my backpack is a necessity. Quiz games are my weakness. Ringers are not for me. Silence is the best option for me because of all the notifications I get. Twitter is where I get most of my notifications from. Using it all the time thought causes my usage to go up. Verizon likes when my usage goes up, but my mom does not. We, my generation, have a great (just kidding) was of messaging each other. “XOXO, BRB,TTYL, LUV” are drive me crazy, like please spell it out.  You never know what new words will come out. Zayum, Bae, and selfie are some of the most common ones I use and see. As you can see, the English language has changed. Because of this technology, the world will be forever changed. Could it be for the good or worse, I don’t know. Daily tasks are becoming easier with this technology. Everyone who doesn’t have a social media account, we think is weird. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram have impacted my life. Hopefully this will end, but I highly doubt it.

Wednesday, September 24 - Endearing Quality

One of my most endearing qualities is my personality. I have been told that I have one of those personalities that are great. The kind of personality were I can meet someone right then, and hold a conversation about the randomness things that make someone's day better. The personality that even if I don't like something, I can still talk about it for along time. I have that personality that when people need help, they come to me; I guess that means that I give off a friendly vibe. My personality gives me that chill vibe where I only want peace. I don't like people fighting.
My personality also doesn't allow me to get mad very easily unless you've done something to make me mad already. My personality allows me to be funny in some situation and serious in others. Take me and my personality or leave me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23 - Strange Fruit

"Welcome to Guess the Object. Today Katy will be trying to get what the object based on clues and hints that we give you. Let's bring out todays object!"
"Okay Katy we will begin. The first clue is that it grows in a warm place like Mexico or Thailand. Any guesses?"
"Not yet, but I have an idea that it is food." Katy replies.
"Well, then here is your next hint its taste is a refreshing blend of a tree-ripened Kiwi, Pear, Watermelon and Mango with a decidedly tropical twist. Its crunchy edible seeds offer another dimension. Any guesses?"
*shakes head no*
"Great! The next hint is any person would eat it. Especially people who love tropical fruits, or fruits in general. Still don't have any guesses?"
*shakes head no again*
"Here is your final clue. It is pink and green on the outside, and pinkish on the inside. Guesses?"
"Is it a dragon fruit?"
"Katy, you are absolutely right. It is a dragon fruit! Fun fact, Dragon fruit grows on a cactus that blooms for only one night per fruit cycle. For guessing the object right, here is your prize! A month supply of dragon fruit direct from Mexico! Thanks for playing Katy, and thanks for watching. See you next time on Guess the Object!"

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16 - The Spoon's Perspective

 I don't really like being a spoon,
only because of the places I have to go.
I go many places; in a mouth, a basket, a car.
The dishwasher is my favorite though.

It kinda freaks me out sometimes.
You hear this roar, and that's how you know its starting.
I love to sing in there.
Especially "The Cup Song".

I go in there for thirty minutes,
come out smelling like lemons,
and then usually go back to the washer.
The family uses Cascade.

After the second round,
I go back to the drawer, until the next go around.
Life as a spoon is better than others.
Just imagine life as a spork.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

"Okay class, it is time to share what you have learned about your painting. Lilly you are first." said the teacher. "Class, Lilly had La Mariee by Marc Chagall. Please pay attention."

"In 1950 Marc Chagall painted La Mariee (The Bride).The focus point of the painting is of a bride in a red dress and has a white veil on. Around her though is a dark sky, which I feel represents sadness and darkness. The painting is a mix of reality and a world that is dreamt of. There is a goat type animal playing the bass, and a little creature that is playing a recorder or oboe type of instrument. When Chagall was painting this, I believe he incorporated the fish because his parents worked in a fish shop and fish warehouse. In the background there seems to be what looks like a church, and it looks to be Russian influenced. I believe Chagall painted this piece to represent his past as a kid, and how he felt. Only he may be able to tell us. Thank you for listening," Lilly stated, and then returned to her seat.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11 - Music Critic

"Pumped Up Kicks" by the American Indie pop group Foster the People is about a kid who has homicidal thoughts. I believe that the song is also tied to The Columbine High School massacre. The lyrics in the chorus "You better run, better run, outrun my gun" and "You better run, better run, faster than my bullet" prove that it is about someone shooting. Also know that one of the members cousins was in the Columbine shooting, there is a very good probability that the song is about a shooting. Also the first line "Robert's got a quick hand." might refer to Robert Hawkins that belonged to Westroads Mall shooting. The song was released in September of 2010, and since then is still played on the radio, and is very controversial. Since 2010, people are still making covers and remixes of it. The song made its debut on the Billboard charts and rose to the 3rd spot. It is not on the 2014 charts anymore, but people still know of the song, and shouldn't forget it anytime soon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - Film Review

The movie Hugo is placed in the 1930s in Paris and based off the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret . It is about a boy named Hugo. Hugo's dad was a clock person in a train station. Hugo's dad was killed in a museum fire, so Hugo takes over caring for the clock. When not caring for the clock, lives between the walls of the train station and works on his dad's blueprint for a machine that writes with a pen. To build the machine, he has to steal parts from the station. One day he gets caught, and his blueprints were taken away. If you would like to see what happens next go see November 23rd.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8 - America, Fairyville?

A fairy put into this big world
she has a little voice,
and has a tiny body.
She isn't our size.
Fairy has no fairy friends,
she is all alone
in a judgmental society.
We are mean.
She loves glitter,
and we hate it.
She loves animals,
we hate them.
People rush,
and time moves quick.
No one notices Fairy.
She doesn't like it here.
It is difficult,
she wants to go home.
But she cant,
she is stuck.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5- Aliens in Egypt

*Must know before* King Tut took power of ancient Egypt in 1332 B.C.E., and died in 1323 B.C.E. He took reign at the age of nine and dies at the age of 18. He married his half sister and had two still-born daughters.

Report for King Tut's Tomb

As we entered the tomb of King Tut, we saw many murals painted along the edges. As we kept walking we saw something that we didn't recognize. It was King Tut with some alien looking things. We kept walking thinking that someone in 1323 BCE had played a good joke on us, but then we stumbled upon a giant geometric symbol next to what looked to be an alien skull. We didn't know how they got their, because when we got to the tomb, it was sealed shut. No one had came I or had got out. Although we got a little weirded out we kept walk, but what we stumbled on was not thought in archeology school. We found King Tut's coffin, but we also found six green aliens sitting around the coffin. They were guarding it, and we could tell we were not welcome there. We "left" but in reality just went to another section of the tomb. As we were walking down a corridor of the tomb, we had stumbled upon a bunch of drawings of King Tut and the aliens. We took picutres of them, and then scurried off due to hearing an alien coming. We had been told previously that supposedly aliends built the tombs, but at that moment in time we didn't believe them. But since the encounter, we fully believe that aliens built them.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - Historical Accuracy

On January 22nd, 1930, the building of the Empire State Building began. It was being built during the Great Depression and played a part of the Skyscraper Race. Just like all the other building in New York City it was going to be built with many floors. There was not a lot of space in New York so the couldn't build out so then they came up with the idea of building up. Many of the buildings had been built upward. Many of the workers who built the Empire State Building were immigrants, but due to the Great Depression normal people took the job too. The workers did not have proper tools, so they had to figure different ways to get the steel up to build the top. Over one year later on May 1, 1931,it was announced the tallest building in the world. It remained the tallest for over forty years. But one year after it had opened, there were multiple reports multiple times saying that there is a Martian that stands up on the observation deck. Everyone started to believe it. Especially on the day a man said he was greeted by something that looked like an alien. Some people still claim to see this so called Martian. No one knows if it is real, or if it was just the Great Depression's way of messing with your mind.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29 - Two Moons

"It was one of the worst dreams yet." said Louis.
"How?", asked his therapist.
"Well it all started in a submarine that was close to Ushuaia, Argentina . There were four National Geographic researchers on board, and they were caught in a storm with their instruments going haywire. So they did what you would think, and they went under the water until the storm passes. So when it did pass, and they surfaced they had no idea where they were. They couldn't figure out either because their instruments were still going crazy. Then they decided that they would look at the stars, but when they opened the entrance to look out,  they didn't recognize any of the constellations. To make matters worse, there were two moons. They were in a panic state, and  that is when I woke." said Louis.
The therapist then calmly asked," has any of this every happened? Have you ever had any of the dreams before?"
Louis then remarked," Nope. Never."
"Well if you have anymore," said the therapist, "then you might want to come back, but I cant do anything right now. Here is my card, and have a great day."

*Louis leaves the office*

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28 - Space, 2199

Day 14 from Nora's perspective- Hank is being a total jerk who only thinks about himself, and we still haven't found any way of saving the galaxy from collapsing. I can't believe it is happening in the year of 2199! We scientists of NASA thought it wouldn't happen for another 100 years, but this time science and math failed us. That is my favorite part of science though, when you think something will happen but then it doesn't or doesn't turn out like you predicted. Better get back to trying to save the galaxy. Talk to you later, maybe.

Day 14 from Hank’s perspective- Nora doesn’t understand that I don’t really care about this, as long as I am safe. She says that I am egomaniac, but I think she is just saying that to hide her crush on me. Like I am sorry I have so much SWAG, and that I'm not a brilliant scientist. No one really cares about any of this because they can just get on their rockets and go to a new galaxy. I mean it is the year of 2199. I just hope if anyone survives it’ll be me. If anyone deserves to survive it is me. Like no one could ever have as much SWAG as I do. I need to go, Nora is coming.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27 - Animal Invention

*TV commercial* Ever need to break something? Ever need to cut something big? Well look no further. Its the Alligator Chomper. This product can basically break anything just like an alligator can with its jaw.  It can cut things just like an alligator can cut through things with its teeth. It's very mobile, and light. For two payments of $14.99, plus shipping and handling, you can have the Alligator Chomper.  If you order in the next fifteen minutes, you will also receive the Gator balm for chapped and dried lips. This is a one time offer that you wont want to miss out on. For more information or to purchase go to AllyChomp.com or call (667)555-9684.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26 - Concert

At the Bangerz tour the three main opening acts of the tour were Icona Pop, Sky Ferreira and Lily Allen. All of the sudden "Do My Thang", and here comes Miley from the ceiling riding a hot dog. It is pure genius for a grand entrance. The audience then starts to go wild, and scream. People are dressed with glitter, and rhinestones. Everywhere you look there are crop-tops and flower crowns. People with glow-in-the-dark neon splatter body paint. It's basically like a giant rave with Miley. She is slaying in the teddy bear backpack. Up next is her song "We Can't Stop" and she had a quick outfit change, so now she is in a romper. She starts to sing "FU" and you can just hear the shade. And she is continually slaying. There are tons of green and purple glow sticks all around. People videoing it, singing along, just rocking to "Feelin' Myself". During the song she has another outfit change to carrot pajamas and Will.i.am comes out on stage to sing with Miley. After that she sings "Adore You", "4x4", and "Wrecking Ball". To finish the night she sings "Love Money Party" . After that is over she yells "Thanks for coming" and then here comes glitter and confetti out of the ceiling, and that is how we know the concert is over.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25 - Literary Character

Picture this. Ariel from The Little Mermaid is in high school on land. She is a senior, and all of her friends are punk. She wears black, has tattoos, and piercings. Many piercings. She loves to listen to Green Day, Blink- 182, and Sex Pistols. She is not the mermaid whose best friends are Flounder and Sebastian, she has moved past that. Her best friend and boyfriend is punk Eric. He has changed too. He isn't the same Eric that you know. Ariel does not care about school, her grades are all D's, and she only likes to sit in the garage and listen to Eric's band practice. Eric is no longer in school due to him dropping out. Ariel wanted to drop out, but King Triton would not let her. He told her that if she wanted to stay on land, and not have feet that she had to stay in school, so she stayed but stated flunking on purpose. She is into many bad things such as drugs, stealing, and drinking. Ever since she has got out of water, and met punk Eric she has turned bad.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22nd- Wacky Words

Profile Bio: "Hello, my name is Rob Angelic. I am a salesman. When I first started twenty years ago, I was a computer salesman, and I stayed there for three years. Then when my wife, Taylor Angelic, gave birth to my first son. His name is Robert Angelic, and I plan on being him to be a salesman, just like me. A few short weeks after Robert was born, I got a new job as a Television Salesman. I kept that sales job for two years, and that is when my not very daughter Sophie Angelic was born. Despite our last name she was not very angelic, and in fact I also did not plan for her to be a salesman. Regardless, we had two more very angelic kids seven years later. Their names were Molly Angelic and Mike Angelic. After Molly and Mike were born, I went to school got a business degree, and open my own salesman college, where future salesmen could come and learn what makes you a great salesman. Shockingly, Robert did not become a salesman, but he did still make me proud. Sophie is working towards getting a degree, but plans to come and learn how to be a successful saleslady in the future. So for now angelical Angelics are happy. And  yes I am still a salesman teacher, and I love every minute of it!"

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21- Myster Lady

Mystery Lady
with flowers on her hat.
Claws as fingers,
Oh look a black cat!

Sweater of cold colors,
skirt of dots.
Face made of green and red
don't forget blue

With that black hair,
your nose to the side.
You must be a product
from Pablo Picasso.

With happy feelings,
you sold for a bunch
try 95.2 million.
Dora Maar au Chat.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wedensday, August 20- Alter Ego

Santa Claus is a character of good deeds, but do you wonder if he ever does anything bad? Believe it he was actually on the naughty list. He stayed there for a long time, and still isn't completely on the good list. He went to a Santa school up north, and there he let all the reindeer loose, he ate all the candy canes that were for the elves, and he also tore down all the strings of Christmas lights. After those incidents he realized that he needed to start being good, but he couldn't. So he only did good things once a year. That day being Christmas night when he delivered all the presents. But every other day he does bad. He makes fun of Rudolph's red nose while Dasher and Dancer. He also laughs at the elves because they are shorter than him. He makes up rumors about the other holiday characters. He says that the Easter bunny doesn't even bring gifts that the parents buy them. He also says that the tooth fairy steals other things besides teeth. He doesn't think that Christmas is about Christ, its about him. Santa is a big, conceded man, who does good only once a year.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19- Scariesst Place

What is the scariest place?
Where the fog lurks,
smells like cigarette smoke
This is not your home.

You realize where you are
there is no turning back,
you've done wrong.
You can't fix it.

That is the scariest place,
knowing you have done wrong
and you cannot fix it.
You are upset with yourself.

You should be,
You say the wrong things.
You do wrong.
Try ask for help, but no one cares.

You're in a dark place
Panic attacks left and right,
But you must keep living.
You have to live life like that.

You pray that it will get better
Finally you see the bright light
the scary place is turning to a haven.
Someone finally cares.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15- Kindergarten

My first day of Kindergarten was different than the first day of Preschool. It was a full day, with big kids. I had a Strawberry Shortcake backpack that was pink and a matching lunchbox. My older cousin went to the same school, but as most older kids she did not want to be seen with a "baby". I remember that I had got to meet my teacher a few days before I had actually started. Unlike most kids I was the talkative student even on the first day, so of course I became friends with all three sets on twins. Two sets were identical, but the other one was not. I remember we had this behavior chart, and me being who I am, got put on red on the very first day. Red is bad behavior, yellow is ok but you aren't good, and green was the best. That day was the start of many red card days. I made many art projects that day. We made a tye-dye butterfly with makers, I made this little angle with glitter, and I also made a handprint butterfly. Those were the days. You got lunch, a nap, and then got to play. I, unlike now, did cry on the first day of school when it was over because I did not want it to end. Little did I know that all of that would change ten years later. Also that I would stop being as talkative, and I would end up liking naps.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14- Gross

"It's a vegetable," said Jenn.
"No, its a fruit," said Blake.
"I do not care what it is! It looks like a clown's nose! The only good thing that comes from it is pizza sauce, but even then it is not good! What is even worse is that they animated it into a children's show! I do not like it. and it is one of the worse foods I have ever tried." Jenn exclaimed!
"Jenn, I know how you feel. I do not like tomatoes either! They just drip, and drip, and drip" Blake explains," that is what grosses me out the most. You know how I dont like wet things."
"Blake, I can not believe we finally agree on something!"

Wedensday, August 13- Animal

How would you plan a day if you got to plan a day for any animal of your choice? Well, if I got to plan a day for a penguin it would go something like this. He would start off wobbling around to go and meet one of his close penguin friends. They would talk about how they miss their mates, and how they were hungry even though they had a big layer of fat covered in black feathers. He would later go into the water to try to find some food, but then gets caught up talking to a polar bear. After he finally gets away from the white blob of fur, he goes to the top of an ice-burg to slide into the water again. But by that time he gets tired, so he goes back to his home to go to bed for the day, even though it is only six in the afternoon.